Edit Professionally Using Only an iPad: LumaFusion Tutorial

Often when starting out in filmmaking or video editing, it’s something you do after a long day of work at your day job. I often find myself too tired at the end of the day to sit at the desk and edit videos. LumaFusion is one of the best video editing apps out there and it only costs $30. It allows me to edit videos from the comfort of my couch or at my desk using only an iPad. My latest video will walk you through the making of a Ford Bronco commercial, teaching you the basics of video editing and sound design. You’ll also learn how to mask in LumaFusion to create a mask transition. I will also show you how your iPad can turn into a desktop editing station by attaching a keyboard, mouse, and monitor.


Begin Editing: Adding Media, Trimming, and Basic Tools

Learn how to work with various video clips and edit them into a sequence.

Editing to the Beat using Markers

Learn how to edit and synchronize video clips to the beat of your music.

Masking in LumaFusion

Masking is not natively supported in LumaFusion. The work around is using green shapes to mask out the area that you want masked, creating a green screen. You can then use the green key effect to key out the green in your clip. This simple method will help you create masking transitions.

Desktop Setup with an iPad

Editing videos on the iPad can be made a whole lot easier by connecting a mouse, keyboard, and a monitor. This provides a similar experience to editing on a desktop.

Sound Design

Being able to edit videos with multiple tracks of sound is essential when editing videos. LumaFusion makes it easy to add sound design to any project.


3 Tips for Better Audio in Your Videos


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